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Report of Hindi Workshop (BHU, Varanasi), 25th - 28th October 2010

A five day NLP seminar organized by LDC-IL (in collaboration with BHU, Varanasi) was held at the department of linguistics, BHU.

On the first day (25/10/10), the workshop was inaugurated by the chief guest Prof. M. N. Rai (Dean, Faculty of Arts, B.H.U.). It was followed by Dr. Anil Thakur introducing the LDC-IL team and the NLP workshop. The session ended with Dr. Jitendra Kr. Singh, Lecturer, LDC-IL, presenting “An Introduction of LDC-IL and its objectives”. The participants included research students, scholars and faculty from BHU and S. S. University, Varanasi.

On the second day, Ms. Rushda Idris Khan, Lecturer, LDC-IL, gave “An Introduction to NLP”. This was followed by Dr. Jitendra Kr. Singh’s presentation “An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics”.

On the third day, Ms. Rushda Idris Khan presented “An Introduction of POS tagging & tools” in the first session. In the second session, a POS Tagging competition was conducted in order to give a hands-on-experience for the participants.

On the fourth day, Ms. Rushda Idris Khan presented “An Introduction to Morphological Analyzer.” This was followed by the presentation “An Introduction to Speech Corpus” Dr. Jitendra Kr. Singh. The tools used were also demonstrated.

The closing ceremony was organized on the fourth day itself. The chief guest was Prof. R.C. Panda (Dean Faculty of Sanskrit and Religion, B.H.U). On this occasion, the winners on the POS Tagging competition were also given prizes. Dr. Jitendra Kr. Singh presented final report of the NLP workshop and Ms. Rushda Idris Khan gave vote of thanks.

The final day was devoted to feedback and certificate distribution.