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Manipuri Lesson Planning for Online Teaching Workshop
(Department of Linguistics, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal),
7th to 12th of November, 2011

The workshop on Manipuri Lesson Planning for Online Teaching was organized by LDC-IL in collaboration with the Department of Linguistics, Manipur University, Imphal. The workshop was well thought-out from the 7th to 12th of November, 2011, at the conference hall of the Department of Linguistics. There were five hour sessions daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a lunch break of 1 hour in between. There were totally 20 participants out of which10 were experts meant for writing structure lessons, excluding the Department staff and helpers. The participants as well as the experts were from various Departments of different colleges, including Manipur University, Engineering, Linguistics and Computer Science and Manipur Legislative Assembly.

The first day started off with an inaugural speech delivered by Dr. N. Pramodini Devi, Assoc. Professor, the Department of Linguistics, Manipur University. Subsequent to the welcome speech, Mr. Amom Nandaraj Meetei, Lecturer-cum-Resource Person, LDC-IL, presented a highlighting guideline entitled The Architecture of Manipuri Lesson Planning for Online Teaching. There was a deep discussion on the selection of themes providing situations and grammatical information in conformity with the non-native speakers as per the instructions from the Online Teaching Course of the institute, CIIL.

The second day was devoted to a comprehensive writing on structure lessons and their relevance for the grammatical elements introduced in the respective lessons. The whole day was under the academic tutoring by Dr. N. Pramodini Devi. As a consequence, 7 lessons could get visualized on the second day.

On the third day Sri M. Venkatesan, Maintenance Engineer, LDC-IL, presented a demo of Online Courses Developed by CIIL, where languages already in online like Tamil, Bangala and Kannada were exemplified for visualizing the literature. Dr. L. Ramamoorthy, Head, LDC-IL also gave some of the hints towards the beautification as well as concretization of the online matter, particularly for Manipuri in respect of its history, land and people, religion, ethnicity and politics etc. All the ten experts continued devoting to the writing of structure lessons after having the aftermath of the speech and as a result, another 7 lessons got augmented.

On the fourth day, the first hour was devoted to presentation on The Uniformity of Exercise Patterns and Games for Online Language Teaching, by Dr. Nadaraja Pillai from CIIL. With the attained mind on exercise formats to be included in the online teaching, the experts could make lessons including exercises along with answers. Dr. N. Pramodini Devi also advised the experts to render the translation of each lesson into English which they had already finished in mother tongue and extended handful amounts of help in the translation situation. Consequently, another 6 lessons were in increase.

The first half of the fifth day was focused on the cross-checking and evaluation of the lessons made so far amongst the experts. In the second half after the lunch, conceived with a thorough cross examination, the experts sustained to writing structure lessons. As a sweat, 6 lessons came out.

The sixth day as well as the last day of the workshop was a mixture of several things- experts carried on writings as before, Dr. N. Pramodini Devi, the local Coordinator of the workshop, strived to manage to reach the expected number of lessons by assisting the experts and Mr. Amom Nandaraj Meetei, Coordinator, LDC-IL, worked out to distribute the TA/DA and other local food charges, etc. As a final point, another 6 lessons could be put on surface. Thus, a total number of 32 structure lessons were developed for Manipuri structure lessons for online teaching. Finally, Dr. N. Pramodini Devi of Manipur University distributed certificates to all the experts participated in the workshop and made valuable contributions and Mr. Amom Nandaraj Meetei of LDC-IL, CIIL, gave the vote of thanks on behalf of LDC-IL and the Department of Linguistics, Manipur University.