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Report of Manipuri Tone Workshop (Imphal), 2010

The Regional workshop on Manipuri tone had been organised at Department of Linguistics, Manipuri University commencing from 2nd-6th August’10. It was a successful program in the following manner that on the very beginning day a formal inauguration had been initiated by the Vice Chancellor of the same university along with the Dean as well as the professors of the Department. Intellectuals of the concern workshop delivered three forceful papers inviting the room of discussion which followed. On the second day of the workshop there were two presentation one base on the review of Manipuri tones as propounded by the concern linguists and the second one base on the current work of LDCIL Speech Corpus, had been there for a minute observation in terms of Manipuri tone and its types and numbers. On the third day there were discussions and interaction among the linguist and non-linguist as well as others from different disciplines. Consequently the necessity of showing Manipuri tone with the help of tools rose up; there by, the needful had been taken up from the LDCIL team in order to resolve the complexities lying emits the intellectual concern. On the last day of the workshop the resolution in terms of tonal types and numbers had been implemented through Praat. As a result of experiment the following observation had been finalized after having recordings from the native speakers of the language concern:-

  1. Existence of the tone – Yes
  2. Tone type – register
  3. Types of the tone- mid and low

It is hope that the workshop had been successfully held and a further study is still needed as opined by the linguist or faculties of the department.