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Punjabi NLP Workshop Report
(Department of Punjabi, Regional Campus(G.N.D.U.), Jallandhar )
31st January to 10th February,2012

Linguistic Data Consortium For Indian Languages (LDC-IL), Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore in collaboration with Department of Punjabi, Regional Campus(G.N.D.U.), Jallandhar organized a ten days ‘Orientation cum Training Program on Natural Language Processing’ from 31st January-10th February,2012.

Nearly 50 participants hailing from different universities like Punjabi University, Punjab University, Guru Nanak Dev University and Regional Campus Jallandhar are attending the orientation cum training program. And the experts from different institution like Delhi University, Punjabi University, Punjab University, Regional Campus Jallandhar and LDCIL delivered lectures and trained the aspirant. The workshop goal was to disseminate the knowledge of NLP among student community and equip students to work or pursue research in language technology. The main goal of this Orientation cum Training Program on NLP was to promote technology development in Indian Languages.

The Program covered the areas of core Linguistics, AI and NLP, Corpus Linguistics, Linguistic Analysis and NLP Modules and System Development and Challenges. The schedule of the program is as follows-

Day-1 (31st Jan 2012)

The Orientation Programme began with an inaugural function in which Former Vice-chancellor Dr. Joginder Singh Puar Guru Nanak Dev University presided over the function and delivered the inaugural address. He has centered his speech on the importance of the usage of computers in this modern world. Poonam Dhillon, LDC-IL gave a brief sketch on the activities of the LDC-IL, CIIL, Ministry of HRD, Mysore. It was immediately followed by a reading out of “Orientation Programme goals” & introduction to LDC-IL. Then after tea session there was a lecture on “Introduction of NLP & AI” by Prof. Gurpreet Singh Lehal. After lunch session, there were three lectures, one on “Machine Translation” again by Prof. Gurpreet Singh Lehal, second one on “Spell Checker” by Prof. Gurpreet Singh Lehal. Finally, ends with a lecture on “Punjabi Language” by Baldev Singh Cheema.

Day-2 (01st Feb 2012)

The second day began with the lectures on “Encoding” by Manasa. It was followed by Prof. Sheetal Kalra’s lecture “Fundamentals of Processing” in post tea session. In post lunch sessions there were two lectures; first one was “Punjabi Phonology” by Dr. Ravinder Gargesh (Delhi University). Second one was on “Translation” by Manasa. Ends with “Demo of Transliteration” by Manasa.

Day-3 (02nd Feb 2012)

The third day started with Dr. Ravinder Gargesh’s lecture on “Concept of Phonology”. After clearing the basic concepts of Phonology, he delivered a lecture on “Phonology & NLP” in post tea session. After lunch a lecture delivered by Poonam Dhillon on “POS.”. Ends with practice session on “POS Tagging.”

Day-4 (03rd Feb 2012)

In fourth day, there was one lecture on “Concept of Syllable” by Dr. Ravinder Gargesh. It was followed by a Special lecture on “Semantics” by Prof. Baldev Singh Cheema in post tea session. After this, Prof. Joga Singh delivered a lecture on “Basic Concept of Computational Linguistics” and ends with lecture on “Language Learning” by Prof. Joga Singh.

Day-5 (04th Feb 2012

Proceedings of the fifth day started with the lecture of Prof. Joga Singh on “Syntax.” It was immediately followed by a talk on “Multi-Word-Expressions” by Prof. Joga Singh. In post lunch session, there were three lectures. One on “Grammatical Categories” by Prof. Baldev Singh Cheema. Second lecture by Prof. Joga Singh on “Chunking” and ends of the day by Arundhati Sengupta “Corpus Linguistics.”

Day- (05th Feb 2012)

Sunday was off (Holiday)

Day-6 (06th Feb 2012)

The first presentation of the day was by Prof. Sukhwinder Singh Sangha on “Punjabi Tone.” The lecture in the post tea session was on “Punjabi Morphology” by Dr. Ved Agnihotri. Dr. Ved Agnihotri also delivered next two lectures in post lunch session; first one was on “Derivational & Inflectional Morphology.”

Day-7 (07th Feb 2012)

The seventh day started with the lecture on “Morph-Analyzer” by Sarbjeet Kaur. It was followed by demonstration and Practice of “Punjabi Morph-Analyzer” by Sarbjeet Kaur. In post lunch session one lecture on “Corpus Collection” was delivered by Kulwant Singh & other one on “Speech Data Collection” was delivered by Poonam Dhillon.

Day-8 (08th Feb 2012)

The day began with two lectures on “Corpus tool and process” & “Sign Language” by M.Yoonus. After lunch a lecture delivered by Thennarasu on “Build Morph-Analyzer for Indian Languages” It was a quite long lecture, covering both pre & post tea sessions.

Day-9 (09th Feb 2012)

The day nine was totally dedicated to “Speech Segmentation and Annotation” by Saurabh Varik and after lunch practice session on Speech Segmentation and Annotation.

Day-10 (10th Feb 2012)

In the valedictory function Prof. Sukhwinder Singh Sangha extended vote of thanks to LDC-IL team, various experts & participants. Participants were given chance to share their experiences & views on the success or fulfillment of objectives & goals of NLP Orientation Programme. Each participant shared his views. It was followed certificate distribution by Prof. Sukhwinder Singh Sangha.