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Dr. Sajila S
Dr. Sajila S | Official Website of Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages
Academic Qualification
  • Ph.D. in Linguistics, Faculty of Oriental Studies.
  • M.A. in Linguistics.
  • M. Phil. in Linguistics.
Trained in
  • Pos Training Program’ From IIIT, Hyderabad Duration 27-12-2006 To 7-1-2007
    ‘Translation Of Information Technology’ Terms From Department Of Linguistics, University Of Kerala Duration -1-12-2007 To 30-05-2008
  • ‘Pos Training Program’ From Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad Duration-18-06-2007 To 22-07-2007
Position held Senior Resource Person - II
Experience in research, training and documentation
  • Working as a Senior Resource Person in LDC-IL, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore from 01-04-2016 to till date.
  • Worked as a Junior Research Assistant in LDC-IL, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore from 12-10-2011 to 31-03-2016.
  • Worked as a Junior Resource Person in LDC-IL, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore from 29-07-10 to 11-10-2011.
  • Worked as a Junior Linguist in the Indian Language to Indian Language Machine Translation System project supported by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Tamil University, Thanjavur from 29-05-2009 to 18.08.2010.
  • Worked as a Junior Linguist in the Indian Language to Indian Language Machine Translation System project supported by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Tamil University, Tanjore from 26-12-2006 to 30-09-2007.
Presented/Participation in professional conferences/seminars/ workshops
  • Derivational Morphology in Malayalam the 36th All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists held at Sri Vasavi College, Erode from 19th to 21st June 2008.
  • Translating IT documents-Some practical Problems the International seminar on Malayalam language and Globalization organized by the Department of Linguistics University of Kerala, Kariavattam, Trivandrum in association with Southern Regional Language Centre, CIIL Mysore 25.02.2008 to 27.02.2008.
  • POS TAGGING-Using BIS TAGSET presented in International Seminar on Current Trends in Dravidian Linguistics Organized by Department of Linguistics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram on 27th to 29th May 2013.
  • Upasragas In Malayalam presented in International Seminar on Grammatical Theories in Sanskrit and Malayalam - From Panini to Kerala Panini conducted by Dept. of Sanskrit & Dept. of Linguistics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram on 24th to 26th February 2014.
  • Pipelining Two Modules Pos To Morph Analyzer presented in International Seminar on Indian language technology :state and prospects conducted by School of Indian Languages, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram on 18th to 21st March 2014.
  • Malayalattile samasthapadhangal National Seminar on Malayalam Grammatical Theories- Tradition to present, held in University of Kerala, Kariavattam Campus 23rd to 25th March 2009.
  • Corpus Linguistics and Language Learning is presented in National Seminar on Evaluation of language teaching in secondary school conducted by Dept. of Linguistics & Center for testing and evaluation from 17th to 19th January 2011.
  • Acquisition And Learning of Language is presented in National Seminar on Evaluation of language teaching in secondary school conducted by Dept. of Linguistics & Center for testing and evaluation from 17th to 19th January 2011.
  • Adjevtive Formations in Malayalam National Seminar on Grammatical Theories and Chomskyan Models held in University of Kerala, Kariavattam Campus on 29th to 30th May 2014.
  • Winter school on speech and audio processing in IISc, Banglore, Jan 6-9, 2012.
    35th annual & 1st international conference of the linguistic society of India (ICOLSI) in CIIL from 27-29 November 2013.
  • Attended national Seminar on Arabic in the modern and contemporary Text and contexts 1798-2007 held Dept. of Arabic, University of Kerala, Trivandrum on 28-29th, March 2008.
  • Tamil computing in emerging trends of globalization in Dept. of Tamil, Gandhigram rural institute-deemed university, Gandhi gram on27th Feb-3rd March 2014.
  • Participated in the National educational day programme held on 11th September 2013 at central institute of Indian languages Mysore.
  • ‘A Workshop to Translate Some Materials from English to Regional Languages’ was organized at the Regional Institute of Education (NCERT) Mysore, attended the programme from 11th to 14th march 2014 as a Resource person.
  • ‘A Workshop to Translate Some Materials from English to Regional Languages’ was organized at the Regional Institute of Education (NCERT) Mysore, attended the programme 2015 as a Resource person.
  • ‘A Workshop to Translate Some Materials from English to Regional Languages’ was organized at the Regional Institute of Education (NCERT) Mysore, attended the programme on February 2016 as a Resource person.
  • ‘A Workshop to Translate Some Materials from English to Regional Languages’ was organized at the Regional Institute of Education (NCERT) Mysore, attended the programme from 7th to 10th February 2017 as a Resource person.
  • Attended three days National Seminar on Style Manual for Indian Languages Envisaged on October 2016.
  • Attended workshop on Translate Some Materials from English to Regional Languages’ was organized at the Regional Institute of Education (NCERT) Mysore, on 7-02-2017 to 10-2-2017.


  • Coordinated training programme on Natural Language Processing conducted by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore in Dept. of Malayalam, Kannur University, Kannur on 2- 6 December 2013.
  • Coordinated training programme on Natural Language Processing - South Indian Languages conducted by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore, in December 2015.
    Delivered lecture on Comparison of BIS and LDCIL Tagset in Orientation cum training programme on natural language processing conducted by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore in Dept. of Malayalam, Calicut University on 30 Jan- 9 Feb 2012.
  • Delivered lecture on NLP Application for Malayalam in Workshop on natural language processing conducted jointly by Central university of Kerala, Kasargod and LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore on 18-22 Feb 2013.
  • Delivered lecture on Word Formation with Reference to Morphology in training programme on natural language processing conducted by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore in Dept. of Malayalam, Kannur University, Kannur on 2- 6 December 2013.
  • Delivered lecture on Malayalam Lexicon in workshop on corpus based dictionary (tamil-English) conducted by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore in Dept. of English, Rajah Serfoji Govt. College (Autonomous), Tanjavur on 27-29 January 2014.
  • Delivered lecture on Comparison of tag sets for Malayalam in Workshop on POS TAGGING conducted jointly by Central university of Kerala, Kasaragod on 27th to 31st October 2014.
  • July 25, 2016. Delivered lecture on WORD FORMATION IN MALAYALAM in National Workshop for Women on Natural Language Processing conducted by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore.
  • Nov. 23-30, 2016.Delivered lecture on Morphology and its Role in NLP in National Workshop on Natural Language Processing organized by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore in collaboration with Centre for Information Science and Technology, University of Mysore.
  • Delivered lecture on Language Acquisition among Children on 17-02-2017 in LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore.
    Talk on LDC-IL Overview for the students of Kannur University on March. 09, 2017.
  • Parts of Speech Tagginingum Velluvilikalum published in VINJANAKAIRALI, Kerlala bhasha Institute, Trivandrum, RNI.No. 22641/69, page no. 22-25 March, 2014.
  • Types of Word Formation in Malayalam published in DLA news (Dravidian Linguistics Association) Vol.37, No 11, page no 3 November 2013.
  • Morphology with Reference to Language Teaching published in Linguistics and its role in language teacher training page no;159-162, ISBN no; 978-81-925287-7-9, published by Manibharati publishers, 2014.
  • Malayalttile Samasthapadangal in bhasha sahiti vol-26 no- 1-4, RN. 29564/77, page no.163-167, published by, Department of Malayalam university of Kerala, January -2014.
  • Compound Noun Formation in Malayalam in Reflection in Linguistics and Literature Published by Lavanya Pathipagm, Chennai, ISBN no: 978-93-85643-00-2, page no.91-94, July, 2015.
Mother tongue Malayalam
Other Languages known English, Hindi, Tamil and Kannada