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Dr.Vijayalaxmi F Patil
Dr.Vijayalaxmi F Patil | Official Website of Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages
Academic Qualification
  • Ph.D. in Linguistics
  • M.A. in Linguistics
  • P.G. Diploma in Translation & Official Correspondence in Hindi Course
Trained in
  • Core Linguistics
  • Field Linguistics
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Natural Language Processing
Position held Junior Resource Person-I
Experience in research, training and documentation
  • Assisted in UGC major project - “Video documentation of Local Knowledge bearers in the context of Globalization” Karnataka University, Dharwad. (2008-2009).
  • Worked as Research Scholar in “Mother Tongue Survey of India” Office of the Registrar general, language Division, Kolkata, and Karnataka University, Dharwad (2008-2009).
  • Worked as a Project Fellow in UGC Major Project “A Pronunciation Dictionary For Kannada” Karnataka Arts College, Dharwad. (2008-2009).
  • Worked as intern in “Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages” CIIL, Mysore. (2009-2010).
  • Worked as a Resource Person for Kannada in “Local Language Programming” CIIL, Mysore. (2009-2010).
  • Working as a Junior Resource Person in “Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages” CIIL, Mysore.
  • Documentation of Local Knowledge, Descriptive Analysis, Phonetic Transcription, NLP – Corpus, Morph Analyzer, POS tagging, Chunking, Speech, Localization and Translation.
Presented/Participation in professional conferences/seminars/ workshops
  • “Kannada Bhashe Mattu Tantrajnyana” in March 2008 – held by Dr. R. C. Hiremath Institute of Kannada Studies and CIIL, Mysore.
  • “Sensitization of Linguistics to Clinical Linguistics” in March 2010 – held by CIIL, Mysore and Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangotri, Mysore.
  • “Sanskrit and Computers: getting equipped to face new Challenges” in Dec 2009 – held by Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad.
  • Participated in Knowledge Sharing Event in 2010 – held by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore
  • “Pronunciation Lexicon Standards For Indic Languages” - held by Centre for Linguistics, JNU, Department of Information Technology Govt. of India and IIT Kharagpur, held at JNU University in 4th and 5th May 2011.
  • “Kannada Language and Globalization” – held by Kannada University, Hampi and Dr. R.C. Hiremath Institute of Kannada Studies, on 30th and 31st March 2009.
  • “Lexical resources and applied computational Techniques on Indian Languages” – held by Department of computer science School of Engineering and Technology, Pondicherry University, on 4th and 5th October 2010.
  • “B.M ShrI. Sahitya” – held by Mysore University, on March 31st 2011.
  • Participated in organizing South Asian Language Analysis (SALA-29), Central Institute of Indian Languages, Manasagangotri, Mysore (2011).
  • Participated in BIS meeting for Standardization of POS Tag-sets for Indian Languages, commenced at LTRC Lab, IIIT Hyderabad, (2011).


  • Designing POS Tag set for Kannada” – A knowledge Sharing Event organized by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore on 25-26th March 2010.
  • “Fundamental Principles and Errors in Kannada Learning Situation by Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya” - A National Seminar on “A Linguistic Study of Errors In Kannada Learning Situations – organized by Southern Regional Language Centre, CIIL, Mysore and Karnataka Arts College Dharwad on 14th and 15th February 2011.
  • Local Seminar on “sOmavamsha sahasrArjuna kSatriyara nuDiya lakSaNagaLu” – held by Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya Research Centre, Karanataka University, Dharwad on 19th May 2011.
  • Presented a paper in National seminar on “ Status of Regional Languages in the Context of Globalization” on the topic of “SSK bhashe mattu jagatikarana” held on 3rd Jan, 2012, sponsored by University Grants Commission, Bengaluru in Collaboration with Dharwad District SahityaParishat.
  • Presented a paper in National seminar on “ Speech Synthesis and Its Applications” on the topic of “Acoustic Analysis of Kannada Vowels preceded by stops and nasal Consonants” held on 12th And 13th Dec, 2011, organized by, LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore.
    Presented in 1st International Conference of the Lingustic Society of India, on the topic of “Creation of Kannada Morphological Dictionary for Apertium”, held on 27th to 29th Nov, 2013 organized by CIIL, Mysore and the Linguistic Society of India, Pune.
  • “Designing POS Tag set for Kannada” published in Proceedings of A knowledge Sharing Event organized by LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore on 25-26th March 2010. (Proceedings).
  • A paper on “Parts-of-Tagging for Kannada” published in proceedings of the Knowledge Sharing Events, in 2009.
  • Published a paper on “somavasha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriyara sampradayagalu” by prasaranga of Karnatak University, Dharwad in 2011.
  • Published a paper on “Fundamental Principle and Errors in Kannada learning situation by Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriyas” in A commemoration volume of Prof. V. Renuga Devi ‘Reflection in Linguistics and Literature’ -Chennai, 4th July, 2015.
Mother tongue Kannada
Other Languages known Hindi and English